Yoga and The Path Back Home To My Self.
The transformative path of yoga and how it has impacted my life.
Confessions of an Adrenaline Junkie…
My own personal journey of how trauma led me to burnout and chronic illness and tools to recover your wellbeing.
The Benefits of Detoxifying Cellular Foot Baths
When detoxification pathways in the body are not able to process toxins properly, the toxins are stored in fat cells and throughout the body. Our detoxification pathways are the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, colon, & for women the uterus. The sole purpose of using ionic cleansing system’s is to free up and mobilize toxins so we can then move them out of the body. The ionic foot bath basically free’s up stored toxins and it is actually the days following when the body continues the detoxification process.
The Mind-Body Approach To Healing Pain
The emotional aspect, the mind body connection, and how dis-ease is created in the body has always been fascinating to me. I have come to learn, by way of my studies of somatic psychology, when emotions are suppressed, the physical body will simultaneously express these emotions at the same time. How emotions can show up in the body are contraction, hyperarousal, muscle tension, and pain. Emotions are also expressed as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, TMJ, digestive issues, chronic neck pain, headaches, migraines, hypervigilance, and sleep disorders. Our energy body also becomes very dense and we feel stuck in the way we relate to the world we live in and are unable to connect with our creativity and purpose.