Assisted Lymphatic Therapy
Assisted Lymphatic Therapy treatments are actually very relaxing. In fact, most people fall asleep due to one of the gases, Xenon, which promotes relaxation of the nervous system. There is no shaking, or any type of device that is placed on, or around your body. You are simply lying on a massage table while the practitioner uses wands, or transmission heads, to gently move the lymph through your body. The practitioner uses exfoliating gloves over certain parts of the body to keep the lymph moving and promotes more relaxation through touch and the gloves feel very yummy. We also use essential oils that specifically support the lymphatic system, ones to soften scar tissue, and oils to support the nervous system leaving you feeling relaxed and at ease after the treatment.
Assisted lymphatic therapy penetrates deeper into the body and moves the deepest layers of lymph through the lymphatic system resulting in faster results and a more noticeable recovery. MLD can be likened to a light dusting of your home, a quick sweep over. Where ALT is more like a deep house cleaning, penetrating up to 8 inches into the body allowing for detoxification of the organs, stimulation of immune cells, and cleansing of the deeper layers of the lymphatic system that MLD is not able to reach.
Healing reactions can occur after ALT treatments. The important thing to note here is that a healing reaction is actually a good thing mostly due to the fact that we have started to detox your lymphatic system, which may have been congested for quite a while. While we try our hardest to not allow this to happen, sometimes is does for the following reasons:
Some people have a high toxin load in their body due to the environment, diet, lack of exercise, or detoxing from chronic illness, mold, or heavy metals. Some people also do not process and detox very well due to genetic reasons and need extra support like binders, or infrared saunas.
**The more sessions you have, the more your lymphatic system will clear and you will start to feel amazing! Consistency is key in some cases.
The number of treatments you will need depends on what results we are trying to accomplish and what type of health concerns you may be experiencing. Again, consistency is key in the healing process!
It is important to note that any treatment is better than none! Do what you can, when you can at the rate you can. We always come up with a treatment plan to suit your needs. We understand that some people can go all in, and others need to space out treatment times for financial reasons and/or due to time. This is not a problem!
For those who are quite healthy and are wanting to support the immune system and prevent illness, we recommend coming in for a treatment every 4-6 weeks.
ALT is a specialized from of lymphatic therapy and is really a whole-body healing system. One session of assisted lymphatic drainage is equal to 8-10 sessions of manual lymphatic work! Less sessions actually make this form of lymphatic drainage more cost effective with faster results. Plus the sessions are 90 minutes long, where most lymphatic drainage sessions are 30-60 minutes long.
The following health concerns may be addressed with ALT:
*Post surgical scarring & swelling from plastic surgery, knee/hip/shoulder replacement, c-sections, and most other types of surgeries. Helps to accelerate healing time and decrease scar tissue.
*Asthma & Chronic Respiratory Issues
*Heart Disease
*Auto-Immune Disorders
*Lyme Disease
*Chronic Headaches & Brain Fog
*Chronic sinus issues and allergies
*Ear Infections
*Pre and Post Athletic Application - decrease muscle/tendon strain and swelling
*Enlarged Prostate
*Breast Tenderness and swelling *Recovery & healing from mastectomy
*Deep Detoxification Programs & Cleanses from heavy metals, molds, and viruses
*Organ Transplants
*Deep Vein Thrombosis *Currently taking immunosuppressants