Investing In Energy Healing Contributes To Overall Health & Wellbeing
The energy body is a self-regulating force within your actual physical body and a force in the environment. Every cell, every organ, even each thought is made of energy. EVERYTHING is energy and what we do not realize, or are not aware of, is that if everything is made of energy we can pick up on energies that do not belong in or around our body. Balance is very pivotal within energy medicine. Every system in our body moves towards and craves homeostasis, an internal stability and harmony with other energies. And on the flip side, every interaction with our environment (including other people) upsets this balance. We are always, on a sub-conscious level, striving for balance.
When one of your body's energy systems is chronically out of balance, or when several systems are not in harmony with one another, you body does not work as well. Your energy body is always adjusting the energies available to it to restore its balance. There are several key factors the effects of modern life have made staying balanced more challenging than ever before in history. Psychological stress, pollution, processed foods, and EMF's, lack of time in nature, and our disconnection from faith and a higher power all have a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of our energetic system. Other factors, especially for healer's, empaths, and lightworkers, are being susceptible to outside forces that we absorb from others or spiritual attacks from outside energies that are lost. To be more frank, spirits that have not crossed over or who are lost and energetic ties and thought forms that continue to stay attached to us. I know this sounds a bit woo woo, and it is in some ways. Yet in others, this is actually very real. If everything is energy this would be mean that even thoughts are energy. Every interaction, every thought, every conversation, and every environment has an impact on us at an energetic level.
Many cultures around the globe believe in different energy systems. Ayruvedic medicine believes in the chakra energy system. Chinese medicine believes in meridians running all through the body. Shamanic healing practices believe in the luminous body. Reiki works with the energy body and the laying on of hands to pray and heal the body is a practice commonly used by Christians. Every belief system uses some form of energy healing and all are very effective. The one aspect of energy healing I wish to see become more commonplace is the knowledge of how the energy body has an impact on the physical body. And while this belief, which has been scientifically proven, has become more mainstream, I still feel that there is a disconnect for people as to how this actually works.
I personally do not believe we manifest illness. I believe that we create an environment that promotes dis-ease. The environment I am speaking of is not only our external environment, including the world in which we live, but our internal environment and spiritual wellbeing. We create sickness by the trauma we experience throughout our lives. We create dis-ease because of stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, disconnection from others, and disconnection from the natural world. And in this way, we create an environment within and around our body for disharmony of the mind and disconnection from the spirit and energetic body to continually occur. We create the grounds for dysfunction and are craving re-connection, re-balance, and re-membering of who we are and our ability to heal and be whole beings. I know personally I created a depleted body that was disconnected from my higher sense of self and light body and was over taken by fear and worry. A life time of fear, worry, and feeling as if I was not good enough led to behaviors that drained the life from my body. Alcohol, insomnia, lack of joy and laughter, lack of connection with others, and a disconnection from self love and self trust all led to me contracting a bacteria, or several, that my body could not fight off because it was depleted. I did not manifest lyme disease, it fed off of a completely depleted organism, my body.
Energy medicine helps to bring us home to our spirit and in touch with our original medicine. If you work with the right practitioners, energy medicine can be very empowering and embodying. I teach my clients how to remember their own inner healer once they are resourced and strong enough to work on themselves. We all have an inner healer and the power to heal ourselves, we just have to remember. We have to remember our purpose and come back to love. When we come back to love, the most powerful gift in the world/universe, anything is possible. Love trumps fear. Love heals all. Love is patient and kind and can endure any obstacle. When I work with people in this way, I am bringing them back to love. When we create a loving environment, we can heal.
So how does this show up for you?
Signs of energetic imbalance include chronic health issues, chronic disease, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, chronic pain, a feeling of being outside of your body, not feeling like yourself, depression, anxiety, ADD, or a feeling of being lost and having no direction. Not only is this energetic imbalance, but can also be sign of spiritual sickness or soul loss.
What can you do on your own?
Spending time in nature is extremely important, grounding through he Earth and with the trees, paying attention to what has heart and meaning, staying away from access news and social media, being around others who are uplifting and empowering, eating a healthy diet, and movement are a few simple ways to stay energetically balanced. Also finding Tai Chi and Qi Gong videos/pracitioners to balance and release blockages. EFT is amazing and working with a practitioner that can teach you healing techniques that are practical, mind-body focused, and can get to the root of your dis-ease is imperative.
How can I support you?
Because sometimes we just can't do it alone!!
I offer intuitive healing sessions to balance your energies and clear blockages. We do so by connecting with your good, true, and beautiful Helping Spirits, Spirit Guides, and Angels, who gift you with the exact healing that you need at this time in your life. Energy shifts and clears, physical and emotional pain is reduced or dispersed, you feel more empowered and your path illuminated, and you are given guidance so you can move forward in a way most aligned with you highest good.