Energy Healing
Healing The Energy Body
Over the past 2 decades, I have studied and trained in indigenous energy healing, reiki, & intuitive energy readings. Each session is a weaving together of modalities making them potent and unique to each person, allowing for deeper levels of healing and transformation to take place in the subtle energy body. Energy shifts and clears, physical and emotional pain is reduced or dispersed, you feel more empowered and your path illuminated, and you are given guidance so you can move forward in a way most aligned with your highest good.
Transform & Heal.
We are made up of energy and several energy systems. These energy systems form the foundation of your health and wellbeing. Every organ vibrates at a certain frequency, fueling your body and its atmosphere. We live in a world that does not support our energy body and continually interferes with the naturally high frequency of our health and wellbeing. We consciously have to take care of our energy in order to stay balanced and vibrating at a high level. Environmental stress, EMF's, low vibrational thoughts, other people's thoughts and beliefs, and the food we eat are contributing factors in the health of our energy body. Unprocessed traumatic events, psychological trauma, and core belief systems also contribute to the health and wellbeing of both the energy body and the physical body. Our work is in both the physical and practical world, as well as the energetic and mystical world, creating balance between the two. As one of mentor’s says, “Learning to walk the mystical path with practical feet”.
Since the beginning of human kind, healers all over the world have worked with the luminous energy body. They believe in the luminous body that surrounds us, as well as internal energy systems such as meridians and chakras. Together we work with the luminous energy body to help balance and clear these subtle energy systems and find the root cause(s) in order to heal the physical body. When the energy of a trauma is not cleared, manifestation takes place in the physical body and we experience a feeling of being stuck which is a fight, flight, or freeze response. The body remembers everything and is our guide both before and after the sessions. I know first hand how the body manifests dis-ease and it is very real. Pain is created by trauma and we cannot move forward in life and heal if these energies are not cleared.
My work is different in that I not only do I do some of the work for you, but I also work to empower you on your journey into healing by teaching you very practical tools and resources you can use on your own to come back home your Self. I believe it is more empowering for others to know they can heal themselves and feel it is my responsibility as a healer and teacher to guide you back to your inner wisdom and inner knowing and to assist in your healing, but not to become a crutch to your healing. I am supporting you on your path the embodied wellness.
I am a natural born Healer and Intuitive. I have trained extensively in indigenous healing practices for over a decade and energy healing techniques for over 20 years. My hands are like tuning forks and I am drawn to the areas in your body that are in need of healing. Together we gain insight into blockages that may be psycho-somatic in nature, old thought forms, or belief systems, deep ancestral patterns that have been passed down, or any traumatic experiences that may be stuck in the body. The root cause of any illness, albeit psychological, spiritual, or physical is made visible and cleared. Our work together is a way of moving toward your truest expression and is evolutionary in becoming more embodied and whole.
I do not believe we are broken and need fixing. I believe we are very powerful beings that only need reminding of our original medicine, our truest self, that is buried underneath our traumas and core beliefs about ourselves that have taken us out of our power. Healing is a lifelong journey into wholeness and we all have the power to heal from anything. Being fully embodied and not living from a place of fear and victimization brings us back to the present moment. Being in our body is the most powerful way for us to experience love. The energy healing & shamanic work I offer is a way to come back home to your body, remember your gifts and talents, and move forward in your life from a place of sovereignty and connection with your higher self.
My work is very grounded in the practical world while I work with the good, true, and beautiful guides and allies, as well as your own energy body. The sessions I offer weave together energy healing practices, and hands on healing work, allowing for deeper levels of healing and transformation to take place in the subtle energy body and for integration to take place in the physical body. Energy shifts and clears, physical and emotional pain is reduced or dispersed, you feel more empowered and your path illuminated, and you are given guidance so you can move forward in a way most aligned with you highest good.
"You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power."
Louise Hay

Who are these sessions for?
Each session is customized to the individual, creating a form of alchemized healing that allows you to find freedom and trust your inner wisdom. Through awareness and deep listening we are able to heal. Most empaths, highly sensitive people, healers, and light workers tend to absorb or take on energies from others and the world we live in. How does this show up for us?
This might sound familiar if:
*You often feel tired, or don't sleep well, or too much.
*I often hear people say they do not feel like themselves, have chronic health conditions, or feel ungrounded and depleted.
*You experience anxiety, depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, or other health issues health practitioners have a difficult time diagnosing.
*You feel disconnected from their sense of purpose in the world, feel unworthy of love and happiness, or feel like they do not belong.
I find these sessions are very grounding, balancing, and empowering. When our energies are balanced and grounded we are resourced and in our power. When we mend & tend to the soul, we re-member and re-connect with our highest self, our inner wisdom, and the unseen forces who are there for us and guiding us at all times.
It is important to mention that YOU are also responsible for your own journey and will be asked to integrate the healings that are gifted to you on your own! This is exciting!! This work is very empowering in re-igniting the healer within, gifting you back your own true nature, your original medicine, and encouraging you to nurture your gifts!
Not only does this work benefit you personally, but contributes to the healing of your ancestral lineage, your current family, future generations, and the planet.
"Words cannot convey the great healing session that I had with Heather. It was very magical and intuitive with pristine accuracy. All of my issues were acknowledged and addressed with great care and compassion. Heather is such an over-standing beautiful Soul with a willing heart to share. I felt at ease. Her guides are amazing!! There was a lot of clearing that took place. I'm very grateful for our moment in the Universe. I wish I lived closer even though the distance did not matter (Charlotte, NC) and never was an issue. I highly recommend Heather. She's a real "gem"...Divine Love Tuning in with Healing Light."
— Jacquelyn, Charlotte, NC.