The Benefits of Detoxifying Cellular Foot Baths
Ionic foot baths have gotten a bad rap, on the internet at least. Skeptics and people who are not educated and not reading the research from medical grade foot bath developers have become very opinionated and are releasing false information about these amazing machines. So let’s dive in and I will educate you on the RESEARCH that has been done on ionic foot baths.
When detoxification pathways in the body are not able to process toxins properly, the toxins are stored in fat cells and throughout the body. Our detoxification pathways are the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, colon, & for women the uterus. The sole purpose of using an ionic cleansing system is to free up and mobilize toxins so we can then move them out of the body. The ionic foot bath basically free’s up stored toxins and it is actually the days following when the body continues the detoxification process. It is the same as the XP2 I use in my practice, which continues to work for 48 hours after treatment. Technology such as the XP2 (Assisted Lymphatic Therapy) and Libra Litrou detoxifying cellular foot bath I use in my practice both use ionization to mobilize pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, glycophosphates, electrical pollution (EMF’s), heavy metals, mold, and other mycotoxins out of the body using positive and negative polarities, which makes combining the treatments so potent. Certain pathogens vibrate at a positive charge and others vibrate at a negative charge.
We are energetic beings and vibrate with both positive and negative polarities. We absorb energy from others and our surroundings, whether we are aware of this or not. Energetically, the body is overstimulated due to stress, environmental & geopathic toxins. We now live in the most toxic environment in history and our lifestyles have become overwhelming. We are overworked and some of us are just trying to get by, not to mention the state of the world. We are also impacted by emotional stress, poor diets, lack of exercise, 5G, EMF’s, and lack of connection with others. Our sympathetic nervous system is on overdrive, placing most people in a state of fight, flight, or freeze the majority of the day. When we are in overdrive and our nervous systems are overwhelmed, overtime health problems begin to develop. It is known that when we are in a state of stress, all of our major organs go into a state of contraction, specifically the organs of detoxification. The negative ions released in the foot bath help to create a sense of ease and grounding, which in turn allows the organs to relax and gently release all they are holding onto, both physically and emotionally. Our energy field is realigned with the Earth and the body’s energy meridians balance, improving and strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself. By using the foot bath, it can be compared to the many benefits found from natural hot springs, or being near the ocean and can be beneficial for facilitating healing in a number of conditions. This therapy is amazing to use in conjunction with assisted lymphatic therapy as it allows for deeper detoxification to occur, & increases a deeper sense of well-being in the days that follow.
We use a medical grade, dual polarity foot bath in my practice called the Libra Litrou. Why is a dual polarity system important? There are pollutants that are positively charged and those that are negatively charged. For instance, heavy metals create a positive charge and glycophosphates, lyme, and candida create a negative polarity. We have to create both positive and negative charged ions in the foot bath in order to address toxicity at all levels of the body. It is actually a very sophisticated technology! Research done by A Major Difference, one the leaders in ionic foot baths, has shown radiation to be released in foot baths and a decrease in EMF’s and cellular pollution, which most of us are bombarded with on a regular basis. I personally have been experiencing epstein barr, lyme disease, co-infections, and am also recovering from mold toxicity and am extremely sensitive to EMF’s. What I have noticed, when combined with ALT, is an increase in mental clarity, a decrease in joint pain & inflammation, including neuroinflammation, and a sense of feeling more grounded and not as mentally scattered.
Are all the toxins being released in the water? NO. As I mentioned earlier, the toxins are being released and mobilized during a session by using positive and negative ions in the water. While some toxins might be released during a foot bath, the color of the water is simply information. Everyone has the orange tint to the water, some see black specks, some water is green, or foamy white. All of these colors are indicators that the meridian associated with the color is being cleared. For example, someone might have dark green water after a session, which is associated with the gallbladder. If that person does not have a gallbladder, the water can still be dark green because the meridian associated with the gallbladder is being cleared. Meridians are pathways in which energy flows. Each organ is associated with a specific meridian and most people are familiar with meridians through acupuncture. Think of it this way…. When you receive acupuncture and the doctor tells you that your liver is inflamed, they do not always put the acupuncture needles directly over the liver. The major acupuncture point for the liver is located on the top of the foot in between the big toe and the second toe. By placing the needle in the point, they are opening up the meridian that leads directly to the liver and clearing the energy of that meridian. Most ailments in the body can be treated with acupuncture on the feet and hands. This is very similar to what is happening during an ionic foot bath. That being said, and what most people do not realize, is that once the toxins are mobilized, it is the 2-3 days after that you will continue to detox, not necessarily during the foot bath.
When toxins are removed from the cells and tissues, the immune system can function more efficiently resulting in more energy and feelings of well being. Signs that you may be detoxing may include fatigue, headache, weakness, darkened urine and skin blemishes. This is normal and is an indication that the body is removing toxins. What is NOT removed during an ionic foot bath are minerals, but the body does need more minerals to detox and most of us are already depleted of them. Adding a mineral supplement and/or electrolytes after a bath is recommended for this reason.
How often do we need footbaths?
Frequency depends on your toxic load and health goals. If you are currently going through a detox, or are in the middle of a health crisis (lyme, mold, heavy metals, cancer), you can have up to 3 foot baths a week. Most people see a decrease in symptoms by incorporating a footbath into their healthcare routine at least once a week. When combined with ALT, we suggest having a foot bath after each ALT session. The foot baths can also be used alone as a more cost effective way to detox.
Contraindications? Yes. Pacemakers and any electrical equipment in the body. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Practitioners and clients report benefits including: Increased vitality, pain and stress relief, reduced inflammation, improved sleep, reduced fluid retention and improved energy levels.