Preventative Care For Healthy Breasts
I believe that we have a choice in regards to the outcome of our health and really doing what we can to prevent illness and dis-ease. I don't believe that we inherit a disease. Yep, I said it! I don't believe that our genes matter as to whether we will develop a disease or not. In other words, just because my grandmother had breast cancer, I will in turn get breast cancer. I believe in epigenetics and preventative care. I believe that we can change our DNA and it has actually been proven by Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief. If you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend his books and research. This is not the focus of this blog, but I feel it is important to mention. We are what we believe we are and the work I do with people in my coaching sessions involves helping to shift how we identify with illness and diagnoses so that we can heal.
Sadly, we are not taught from our doctors, in this society anyways, how to prevent disease. We are told, through genetic testing or through our intake forms, that we are at risk for certain types of disease and illness. I remember when I first went to the gynecologist in my late teens, she noticed the history of breast cancer and immediately told me "You need to be careful because you are at high risk for having breast cancer". AND....... and now what? I wasn't taught preventative measures, I was told not to smoke and to exercise. Of course this was 25 years ago and things have hopefully evolved, sadly it doesn't really sound like things have changed. I can tell you what this did for me though. Ever since that day, I kid you not, I have carried this fear and belief with me that I will one day have breast cancer because it runs in my family. And you know what that does, the fear and expectation, it can eventually manifest. Wouldn't it be great if we were given a book, handout, heck! Maybe even a few extra minutes of how to care for our breasts? So, this is my intention for my post. To give you preventative suggestions that you can weave into your everyday life to help improve your breast health and actually PREVENT breast cancer! Woot woot! Here we go!
The picture above is called greyscale photography, which should be included in breast thermography. Greyscale is a high resolution image where vascularity and hormonal grade can best be studied. Thermography usually provides the earliest sign that a breast cancer may be forming, uses no radiation, and is FDA approved. While it is not a substitute for mammography, it will detect cancer 7-8 years before it starts. The picture above are of my breasts (talk about vulnerable). This was taken back in March because I turned 40 this year and I also had a feeling that I needed to get this done. Like I said, I always had a little bit of fear and I also felt some congestion in my left breast. So, lets look at the pic!
The dark, vascular activity at the top and sides of both breasts is an indication that there is the potential for there to be cancer, or cancer is a possibility in the future. Why? Because blood vessels feed into tumors and if there are ones that look like mine, that is an indication that something isn't right. A healthy photograph would have no dark vessels looking as if they were feeding into something. Yes, this was terrifying for me and at the same time it didn't surprise me. I had been dealing with Lyme, which increases cancer risk. I also had been basically detoxing for 3 years and was sure that, even though I ate good and took care of myself, I had just begun the deep emotional work of clearing dangerous thought forms and ridding my body of old gunk! My choices, and recommendations from the doctor who read the results, after receiving this news was to have a mammogram or ultrasound (one of these two I WOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT DO!) or to follow recommendations from the book Heal Breast Cancer Naturally by Veronique Desaulniers. Whichever I chose, I should have another thermography appointment 3-6 months from then. I chose the latter because I truly believe that with the proper diet and self care my body will clear whatever is happening. I honestly feel that there is lymph congestion and toxins. And, If Dr. Desaulniers cured her breast cancer and is helping, literally thousands (probably more like millions) of women cure their cancer holistically, I'm going that route. I do want to mention something here. They give you a number on a scale of severity when you get these results. 0 being no need to worry, nothing is detected, and 5 being there is definitely breast cancer. Mine was almost a 4. I am not saying do not get a mammogram but this was my choice and here are my reasons (just a couple) why....
"By the time Breast Cancer is detected on a mammogram, a woman will have already had the disease for an average of 6-8 years"
(American Cancer Society, 2001).
Dr. Samuel Epstein, renowned advocate for cancer prevention & Dr. Rosalie Vertell, founding member of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, stated, "Routine mammography delivers an unrecognized high dose of radiation. If a woman follows the current guidelines for premenopausal screening, over a 10 year period she would receive a total dosage of about 5 rads"
This approximates the level of exposure to radiation of a Japanese woman one mile from the epicenter of atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima- Dr. Desaulniers
And here we are! Most of the recommendations come from the book Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, which I highly recommend buying and incorporating some of the things Dr. Desaulniers suggests. I also want to mention, not all thermography is the same and it is EXTREMELY important when choosing a thermographer! Make sure they are approved by the IACT and offer grayscale photographer. You can go to to find a certified thermographer. REMEMBER TO ASK ABOUT GRAYSCALE PHOTOGRAPHY!! Very important.
As for me, I will have another thermogram in the fall and THANKFULLY, the thermographer I saw, who was female and extremely knowledgable, told me to just do everything the book said. Thermographers are not doctors and cannot diagnose anything, so when she said this to me I knew something was up! Here is what you should know and I would recommend doing as much as you can. I do about half, maybe a bit more of what Dr. Desaulniers recommends. Some of the recommendations are for women who actually have breast cancer and I don't believe I will ever need them. BUT, if I do, or someone I know does, I will dive deeper into the recommendations. The suggestions I make below are more for general maintenance.
The key to breast health, and really overall health, is to keep our immune system strong. Below are suggestions to do so and the main ingredient here is to keep your lymph clean and running smoothly throughout your body. The lymph system is our immune system and does not circulate on its own, so it needs help! Click here to read my blog on the lymphatic system! It is fascinating and I highly recommend reading!
This picture contains some of the supplements I have added to my daily regime and are listed below. I tend to be very diligent and research companies and ingredients. I choose the cleanest and highest grade supplements possible because it matters what you put in and on your body and your skin absorbs EVERYTHING, especially your delicate breast tissue!
Supplements: (Some are not shown)
*Hemp Oil- I truly believe in this oil! There are over 20K PubMed articles related to cannibidiols and phytocannibidiols and how it is helping many diseases and common ailments. This is a legit website based on scientific research and I highly recommend researching CBD here rather than google. This supplement nourishes our entire system and should be taken daily. The one I use and sell is from Prime My Body. It is the most bioavailable and the most potent on the market. Contact me directly to order.
*Mycillium- mainly Turkey Tail & a combination of different mushrooms called MyCommunity. Both made by Host Defense, who I trust and who have also done amazing research on cancer and the use of mushrooms.
*Perque Potent C Guard- This is a highly bioavailable, high quality vitamin C that helps to boost the immune system
*Amazing Greens Greenfood of any kind- Add green food to your smoothies, or water! Its a great way to alkalize, detox, and nourish your liver and organs and contains high levels of antioxidants and resveratrol. Young Living also has a multi-green supplement that is amazing as well!
*Young Living Essential Oils- those good for the breasts and women's health include Frankinscense, Clary Sage, Rose Geranium, Lavender, & Roman Chamomile. I add them to coconut oil to massage the breasts, or to the bath. I love Young Living oils. They are sustainably harvested and organic and very high quality. I use them in my practice and highly recommend!
*Vital Leaf CBD lotion (not shown)- I use this to massage my breasts. The CBD is anti-inflammatory and will target any cancer cells causing cell death. This particular brand is very clean and simple and smells delicious! It already contains Frankinscense and Lavender, along with other essential oils.
Dietary and body wellness recommendations:
If there is on thing I would recommend you do every day, EVERYDAY....
MASSAGE YOUR BREASTS! Yes, that's right! Every day massage your breasts. Lymph build up around the breasts is a major cause of breast cancer. If the lymph isn't moving, all of the toxins trying to leave the body have no where to go. Wearing bras and constrictive tops on and around our breasts decrease lymph flow. Another amazing lymph treatment to incorporate would be the electro-lymphatic treatment I offer. Click here for more details as to why this treatment is important for overall health and improved immune function! There are many Youtube videos that show proper ways of massage the breasts and opening up the lymph to allow for proper drainage.
Protect yourself, and your breasts from EMF (Electro magnetic frequencies) put off by pretty much all of our electronics and Wifi. Breast tissue is highly susceptible to emf's, so do not carry your phone in you breast pocket, or any pocket on your body for that matter. Check out for phone protection and more.
Live a non-toxic life! Clean up your make up choices and what you are cleaning your home with. Parabens have been found in breast tissue of cancer patients. Parabens are basically small particles of plastic and make up contains high levels and you absorb what you are putting on your face and skin. Again, Young Living offers amazing household cleaners & mineral make up that are both super clean and contain their essential oils. Contact me directly if you are interested in Young Living products and receiving a discount.
GOOD FATS! Yea, yea, yea.... we all know about good fats by now. But really work to eat clean and eliminate processed foods. These are mostly packaged foods which contain hydrogenated fats and oils that cause inflammation. These oils are sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, and soybean oil, just to name a few. They are contained in crackers, cookies, and chips and honestly most packaged foods. Try to prepare as many meals as possible at home and include olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, flax oil, and nut oils. And of course, add a good fish oil supplement. If you are vegan, there are amazing sources of vegan DHA available out there!
Add 5 tsp. of ground flax to your diet in smoothies, on salads, or soups. You have to ground the flax seeds because your body does not digest them whole. Flax seeds reduce tumor markers by 30%-71%, can improve brain function, and bind to free floating estrogen in the liver and carry it out of the body. They are full of omega-3's and have a strong protective effect on breast cells. All info from Heal Breast Cancer Naturally
Add garlic into your diet, load up on green veggies, Matcha Green Tea, Broccoli Sprouts, Apricot Seeds by Apricot Power (they are not kernels... totally different and should taste bitter). Do a liver cleanse, but always check in with your doctor first! Drink filtered water only! And eliminate plastic bottles and packaging, which are hormone disruptors and add estrogen to your body.
Decrease your meat intake and eat high quality, grass fed and pasture raised meats and eggs. Incorporate more organic vegetables & fruits and eliminate dairy, gluten, SOY, and corn. Ask your doctor for a food allergy test to see what is causing inflammation in your body. The lower the inflammation in your body, the lower your risk of disease. Wholefoods are a must!
Remember hearing that a glass of wine a day is good for you? Alcohol, in all forms, actually increases the production of estrogen in the body, so switch to other ways of adding resveratrol to your diet. Eat some grapes, or take the above mentioned green powder. In other words, back off of drinking daily. Keep it for special ocassions or once or twice a week.
ELIMINATE SUGAR! Even back down on natural sugars like fruit and honey. Sugar is sugar and it feeds cancer cells. Stick with berries in your smoothies. Of course, you can have a banana every now and again, but just remember they spike your blood sugar. Just have one or two a week.
****Start body brushing, getting colonics once a month, incorporate coffee enemas, lay in an infrared saunas, and exercise every day! Do things that move the toxins through and out of your body. And sit in the sun, or exercise out side for at least 20 minutes a day.
Exercise boosts the immune system by keeping the lymphatic system flowing! It also decreases depression and increases our natural endorphins. Even just walking 20 minutes a day could improve your health. Incorporate yoga, Tai Chi, walking, or swimming everyday.
Get good sleep and work with a therapist to help process any trauma that may be stored in your body. This can be emotional, or physical trauma. Our body stores memories of all kinds and it extremely intelligent. It is important to get them out! Check out my blogs for more information. I love working in this way with my clients and do so in my healing sessions.
Magnesium oil is a must! There has been evidence of low magnesium contributing to breast cancer. Magnesium oil is pure magnesium sulfate, which can be rubbed onto any part of the body. The bottoms of the feet have the largest pores on our body, so rubbing magnesium oil on the bottom of the feet before bed is best. And it will help with leg cramps! You can find this in any health food store.
Have your doctor check your Vitamin D, Selenium, & Zinc levels as all effect your immune function.
I know this seems like a lot, and it is! Unfortunately because of our environment, it takes a lot more these days to really take care of our bodies. We need to take extra nutrients to make up for what is lost in our food and our toxic overload is pretty heavy due to our environment and the stress we are putting on the Earth. My hope is that by taking care of our bodies and really understanding the love we need to pour into our own bodies, in turn this will teach us how to do the same for our Earth and then we will have created a win-win.
Lastly, BUY THE BOOK! GET THE THERMOGRAPHY APPOINTMENT BOOKED! Both will save your life! This blog is meant to just get you started on the right path to prevent future illness. You can always book a health and healing coaching session with me, or a lymphatic session and we can go over more lifestyle changes that can benefit you.
And most of all, remember you are healthy, you are strong, and you can heal yourself and change your DNA!!!
ONE MORE THING!! You can purchase everything I mentioned through me. I am happy to order them for you and have them drop shipped to you! Just email for more info or if you have any questions.
Happy healthy life to you!