The Importance of Caring For Our Lymphatic System & Benefits of Electro Lymphatic Therapy
I know, this is a large picture! But it covers all the bases and includes the important lymph nodes scientists have recently discovered inside the brain. I love this model because of its straight forward view of one of the most important systems in our body, which is rarely ever spoke about in our medical system.
Our lymphatic system is basically our immune system. Some interesting facts about our lymph system:
Most chronic dis-ease occur in lymph nodes, a junction of lymph vessels
The lymph system supplies plasma rich proteins to your blood and carries away toxins and debris
There is 50% more lymphatic fluid than blood and contains over 600 collection sites, we know them as lymph nodes.
The lymphatic system primarily defends against bacteria, viruses, and fungus
The inguinal nodes, for men, located in the crease of the groin, are where the accumulated lymph from the prostate release. When backed up, this can cause an enlarged prostate.
The axillary nodes located in the armpits, for women, are the primary channel which accumulates lymph from the breast. When these are congested, breast cancer and other serious breast conditions can occur due to a lack of circulation and an accumulation of toxins in the tissue
Cellulite is blocked fluid
The EPA reports some thirty different toxic chemicals are located in every Americans' tissues!
So why is this overlooked and not addressed by most health care providers? I really don't have an answer, other than my own opinion. I believe most health care providers are wanting to help their patients feel better and to get them quickly to this place. Unfortunately, most medical practitioners overlook preventative medicine and go right to a quick cure, which in most cases include pharmaceuticals, or over the counter medications forgetting to ask about their patients lifestyle. Our environment and how we live our lives are important factors in the health of our bodies. This is why I love naturopathic medicine and highly recommend it to my clients. This model of healthcare addresses the entire body, emotions, and spiritual health of an individual and ultimately tries to get to the root of the cause, instead of masking with medicine. Acupuncture and Ayurveda use the same approach.
It is known that the lymphatic system does not circulate on its own, therefore it requires help, which involves some sort of movement. Things like exercise and dry brushing get the lymph moving properly, but when our systems are overwhelmed by environmental toxins, auto-immune diseases, stress, cancer, and the toxins in our air and food the body needs extra help. We need to be asked by our healthcare team what our lifestyle is like in order to better assess why we feel so run down and have chronic issues such as headaches, body aches, and lethargy. If we are sitting at a desk all day, not drinking water, and then go home and watch TV, we are bound to have poor lymphatic circulation and overall poor health. And, when we put poor environmental factors on top of all of the aforementioned factors, our bodies just don't have the energy it needs to get things going and fight off infections and viruses. It's no wonder we feel awful all of the time and there is absolutely no pill that can clear the lymph system! Over time, the build up can be a contributor to chronic illness and dis-ease. Which is where treatments like electro-lymphatic therapy, manual lymph drainage, and infrared sauna's come into play. There are also some wonderful herbs that help keep our lymph system clear.
I will give a bit of insight as to what the lymphatic system involves as far as function and anatomy. The lymph system consists of the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and nodules; lymph capillaries, trunks, vessels, and dunks; lymph & lymphocytes. It's a one-way system that ends in the blood vessels. Lymph contains cell by-products, proteins, cell debris circulating through our system, and pathogens. It is very complex in how it works and more details on this can be found in this wonderful article through Massage & Bodywork magazine:
"When the lymphatic system is compromised, edema occurs. Major causes of edema are: congestive heart failure, kidney and liver disease, steroids, hormones, chemotherapy for cancer, and other medications. Inflammation and lymphatic obstruction cause localized edema and scar tissue can restrict lymph flow causing edema as well. Parasites, scar tissue, and trauma can worsen lymphedema and become life threatening." (Massage & Bodywork Magazine, January/February 2016). If our lymph system is compromised for any reason, it cannot rid our body efficiently and dis-ease may occur. This can show up as chronic sinus infections, body aches (fibromyalgia), re-occuring sickness such as chronic cold and flu, digestive issues, painful menses and reproductive issues, and chronic fatigue ( just to name a few).
So, what do we do to keep our bodies healthy and our lymphatic system moving in the right direction. EXERCISE!!! BREATHE! EAT WHOLE & ORGANIC FOODS! And receive BODYWORK! If you do these then you are on your way and already supporting your system. As someone with chronic illness, I can say I do all of these things and still need support. Those of us with chronic dis-ease such as Chron's, Lyme Disease, cancer, or other auto-immune disorders, our bodies are constantly fighting off some heavy viruses and inflammation. We are more than likely dealing with die off from the treatments we receive, which in turn cause us to feel even worse because the toxins are constantly circulating throughout the lymph. We need the extra support and are more prone to infections, inflammation, edema, and pain because our immune system is working over time. These toxins need a way out! My suggestion is to do all of the aforementioned PLUS: electro-lymphatic therapy, infrared sauna, dry brushing, manual lymph drainage, enemas, colonics, and regular massage. Remember, things need to GET OUT! How do things get out? Regular bowel movements! So, if you are not having regular bowel movements then give yourself a coffee enema, or make sure you get colonics regularly. This is imperative in the healing process as well.
Here is where I plug the electro lymphatic machine! While I highly believe in manual lymph drainage and know many practitioners who offer this highly effective treatment, the electro lymphatic machine is able to penetrate up to 8 inches into the body, therefore making it more efficient and using less therapy time. Yes, 8 inches! It uses a micro-electric current that stimulates 3 types of gases that help to move the lymph along. Overall, it is more effective in reaching the deeper parts of the lymphatic system throughout the body, especially in the brain! Manual lymph drainage is only able to work with the more superficial layers of the lymph system. This treatment is amazing in the detoxing process and I have experienced a decrease in symptoms during my treatments for Lyme Disease and heavy metals. The feedback I have gotten is that people feel more energized, they experience more clarity in thinking, and have an overall better sense of well being. There are healing reactions that can occur with any sort of lymph treatment such as fatigue, headaches, changes in mood, and increased urination. This is simply the body ridding itself of the debris that has built up over time. Electro lymphatic therapy is also useful in breaking up old scar tissue in that once healthy lymph flow is returned, remember it is compromised due to the scar tissue restricting lymph vessels, then healthy blood & lymph flow is restored and able to return to the area where there was trauma. The increase in circulation helps to restore healthy, normal functioning tissues in the body.
Please visit the Electro-Lymphatic page on this website for more information in regards to this amazing treatment. Here's to good health!!